As we continue to work our way through this Covid stuff, I just wanted to check in with a few things.
First, wanted to let you know that we are still running our promotion and to date have donated over $1,000 to help feed local families in need here on Maui. Thanks to everyone who has purchased, whether you donated or not. My family, our artists and myself all appreciate the help very much!
Survived Luci's 13th birthday party weekend and I'm now getting through some travel images from last year. Right on time, I guess?! Quite a few images this week, so I'll keep my chattering to a minimum =)
Dune Sunrise
I was fortunate to spend a week in February exploring Death Valley National Park down in Southern California. The first morning, I got up at 1am and drove for hours to get to the park well before sunrise and headed right for these dunes. It's easily the most magical place I've ever been for photography. The light caresses the shapes of the sand dunes, creating warm highlights and cool shadows and endless lines and shapes. It was physically punishing this first visit, hiking for miles up and down the soft dunes with a 50 pound camera bag. I'll never forget this place, and will certainly be back!
Dune Sunrise is offered as a limited edition, up to 24" x 72" as a lumachrome or aluminum.
Such a unique and stunning place, this is Zabriskie Point (also at DV). The contours of the hills cast amazing shadows in the late afternoon, while rain clouds loom in the distance.
Zabriskie is offered as as a limited edition, up to a whopping 60" x 120" as a lumachrome or aluminum.
On my last night there, I was awakened by the sound of rain on my tent...this is an extremely rare occurrence here and I made the immediate decision to return to the dunes for another sunrise. The hike out was still challenging, but much easier than the first time (even though I was still feeling the effects of my first visit) because the sand was compacted from the rain. I headed out in the pitch black and ended up a couple miles further into the dunes. My breath caught in my throat when the sun rose...the rain washed away all signs of human life and I witnessed perfectly curated dunes with crisp lines and fascinating shapes created by the rain and wind. Still makes me breathless thinking back on that morning, and it was a wonderful end to my visit!
Personality is offered as a limited edition, up to 48"x72" as a lumachrome or aluminum.
Lonely Road
Here's another from New Zealand last year. I it might be the only place I've ever been that I can say is more beautiful than my home on Maui. This image just really solidifies how I felt driving around and exploring the south island, with a stunning view around every turn and another scene to take your breath away!
Lonely Road is offered as a limited edition, up to 48"x72" as a lumachrome or aluminum. It's also available as a triptych!
This image means a lot to me. It was shot last season in Vava'u Tonga, where I take people to swim with the Humpbacks every year. This pinnacle is a familiar sight to all my guests, where it stands guard outside the harbor we call home for those weeks. This was taken in the afternoon on our way back in for the day, with just enough weather coming in to give us some nice light. I just love this image, with the pinnacle seemingly blocking the storm from going any further while the frigate birds circled lazily overhead.
Sentry is offered as a limited edition, up to 36"x72" as a lumachrome or aluminum.
Great White Light
This one may not be for everybody! It's from my last trip to Guadalupe with a group of tour guests. We had this amazing light in the afternoons, so much so that everyone stayed in the water until after sunset to try and catch it. The hot tub and cold beers on deck can wait!
Great White Light is offered as an open edition up to 48"x72" as an aluminum or in a paper print.
Lastly, we are running reduced business hours at the gallery through the end of the month. Rebecca is there on Tuesday from 11-3, I am there Thursday 11-3 and Linda is in Saturday from 11-3. Travel is supposed to open up to visitors August 1st, so we will assess the situation at that time. I'm dealing with a couple of injured ribs from shooting shorebreak at Big Beach last week, but hope to be back to shooting and sharing new images here shortly!
Mahalo for your support!
- Lyle at Pueo Gallery